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Map your way to recovery

Combine different treatment methods to create an optimal recovery journey based on big data and powered by AI algorithms.


Albert Einstein

Currently, in order to gain experience, it is necessary to keep up with the pace of information generation and sharing, which is far greater than the ability of each specialist to accumulate the necessary experience to provide personalized treatment to patients.

To overcome the experience gap, Treat Me uses a machine learning data system to analyze the metadata of clinical studies in order to gain wisdom needed.


Choose your optimal path 

A bilateral treatment sequence between GP's, smart hospitals and therapists.

With intelligent application experience that establish an patient-centric, integrated recovery journey, under varying levels of insurance coverage.
Provides real-time treatment management and monitoring. Get real-time personalized information about recovery options, treatments, and insurance coverage. With our user-friendly solution, you will have seamless open enrollment support for therapists, hospital specialists, brokers, and key decision makers.

  1. Cut recovery management time from months to seconds.

  2. Find out research-based recovery options quickly and accurately.

  3. Choose an optimal recovery path and reduce recovery times and costs.

  4. Adaptive accompaniment to increase recovery efficiency.

  5. Online insurance claims reduce operating costs and time.

Up to a minute to find the optimal treatment path

Smooth navigation in a maze of specialization

Insurance broker


Smooth navigation in a maze of risks designed for you

Provides insurers with intuitive apps and AI-powered decision support tools for quantifying exposure to risks associated with predicting the outcomes of the integrative recovery journey. With a new innovative customer solutions you will be able to lead your market.

Trusted Among Industry Leaders

During our solution validation journey, we were joined by industry executives who contributed their part to the journey, some of which are represented here:

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